You simply cannot help but to fall in love with a baby monkey. It is almost like you having a child of your own. Those human like features makes the baby monkey on the top 20 of the cutest animal list. You simply cant help but to stare at the baby monkey and admire its cuteness.
Awww...arn't baby rabbits some of the most cutest animals on earth. With their whimpy little eye staring timidly t you chewing on vegetables. These little hoppers makes you just want to have rabbits for babies.
Take a look at this bundle of cuddle. You simple cant help but to hug and kiss this cute adorable baby panda. These are the kind of animals that toys are always trying to depict. Cute cuddly and fuzzly.
Take a look into the eyes of any kitten and you are filled with rainbow colors and everything that makes a cake nice like sugar and spice, Kittens are one of the most adorable and cutest baby animal you will meet in lifetime.
you cannot have a list of the most cutest animals babies without having the baby dolphin in the mix. Dolphins just always seem to be caught in a trance of everlasting happiness and smiles. They are playful and quite friendly most of the times. Go ahead cute baby dolphin, smile and show us your cute power!
It is hard to believe that these cute little baby chickens grow up and end up in someones barbecue grill. The baby chicken is all made of cuteness in its fluffy tiny feathers and adorable looking face.
Cute, cute, cute and much more cute. Baby hedgehogs are breaking the animal cuteness meter from all different angles. Animals like these just need lots of cuddles and love.
Horse are fast, graceful and strong. A baby horse is simply cute. All horse lovers can attest to the fact that whatever the equine is, it will be a bundle of cuteness once it is born. Baby pony or baby horse, there is no you escaping this adorable look.
With a oink oink there and a oink oink here, everywhere a oink oink. Well old McDonald pigs were oinking all over the place, but that did not stop Old McDonald from snapping a few cute pictures of the cutest animal on his farm, the baby pigs. These cute little oinkers are bundle of mud and cuddles.
Awwww! Awwww! I just had to say that twice. Puppies are the cutest animals you will ever come across. There are different breeds of dogs which will produce different breeds of puppies. Each breed carrying it's own bundle of cuteness. These adorable puppies are loved, kept and cared for by billions of people across the world. Awwww!