- The there are many persons who are not fund of spiders and ay be slightly afraid of them. But there are persons who will not go within half a mile once they know the spider is in the same room or home with them. This deep fear is called arachnophobia.
- Most spiders are pretty harmless to us humans except for a handful out of those 4000 species. The black widow however, can bite humans and inject venom. Deaths from spider bites are rare.
- Yes, spiders do abandoned their webs on many occasions. Whether is be that that location was not fertile enough, meaning not catching enough insects, they fell prey to other animals or humans.
- What's the difference you ask? Elementary my dear boy. An Arachnid is classed as a creature with two body segments, (mainly a head and a big butt) eight legs, no wings or antennae and dont have tooth problems as they are not able to chew. So the next time you hear anyone calling a spider an insect, please correct them as insects have six legs along with three main body parts. By the way, most insects are able to fly.
- If you see a arachnid and you see antennas on them, look carefully if he is jamming to radio headphones. Insect Antennae are movable sensory organs located on the head of of all insects. They are normally used for tasting, smelling and even direction.
- Name a location and you will definitely be sure to find species of spider living there. Just like any other animals, the spiders have evolved well with their inhabitant and are sleek hunters. There is one location which we have not located any spiders yet and that is in Antarctica. Well, in order for a spider to live in that cold harsh condition he would need fur thick like a wooly mammoth. That would be a pretty big spider if discovered.
- WOW! Now that's a lot of different spiders. I have no idea why the world would need 4000 different species of anything, but who am i to question mother nature.
- Do you know that there are farms which breed silk weaving spiders. Once the spiders weave enough silk it is then harvested and go through the process of making silk cloth. The silk cloth is then used to make fine silky clothes. Spiders however are not interested in silky clothes, but prefer to weave these silk to create spider webs and catch its prey.
- There are some spiders that are large enough to take down an ostrich. Ok that was exaggerating,The largest specie of tarantula is the Goliath Bird-eater. Tarantulas eat insects, frogs, small snakes, lizards, and even rodents and bats. The Goliath bird-eating tarantula has been known to catch young birds. This is very rare but the behavior gave the spider its name