1. The Enormous Elephant
The African Elephant is the largest land mammal which exist to date. These easy going gentle giants does not always work for peanuts or balance on circus balls. They are wild animals and one of the biggest in the world. The average weight of a African elephant can exceed 8 tonnes. The African Elephant is a protected specie because of the threat poachers bring. African elephants are sadly killed for their tusk which fetches good money on the black market. The African elephant cousin is the smaller Asian elephant which has several distinct features. The Asian elephant is smaller and carry pointy ears. Only the male species of the Asian elephants have tusk while both male and female of the African Elephants have tusk. African elephants are led by a matriarch, they are organized into complex social structures of females and calves, while male elephants tend to live in isolation. A single calf is born to a female once every 4-5 years and after a gestation period of 22 months, which is the longest gestation period for any mammal. The calve swill then stay with their mothers for years and are also cared for by other females in the group. The African Elephant is a very sensitive animal and even recognizes when one of them die and actually moans over that dead colleague. The African elephant monarchy supports what us human calls adoption. If a calve mother has died from natural cause or poached, the motherless calf is adopted by another female elephant and will actually even nourish from his/her new mother. The African Elephant is not only an attraction in the wild, zoos and of course
2. Hungry Hippopotamus
If you believe crocodiles are the king of the river you better think twice. Move over Mr Chomps, here comes the real heavyweight. Hippos are huge mammals and are extremely heavy. The average Hippo weighs around2000 pounds and has a height of 1.5 meters. Hippos are naturally herbivores and although they are land animals, they seem to spend a lot of time cooling down in the nearest pond or river. The hippo has a lifespan of around 50 years, their gestation period ranges from 8 to 8 1/2 months. Hippos are sometimes hunted by humans and lions. One of the strong points of being a hippo is its massive jaws and and mouth. Hippos can open its mouth to sometimes over 4 feet tall and can squash a water melon as though it was simply an egg. You better watch out for these heavy weights and know who the real king of the river is and show some respect!
3. Rampaging Rhino
So who believes that they can stop a charging rhino? You had better call the avengers and solicit the help of captain America, Thor or better yet the Hulk! The rhinoceros is another African heavy weight that simply demands the respect of other animals by its size, aggression and intimidating look. The rhino weighs in at a massive 1500kg and even with all those pounds packing, can bullet a charge at 50km/h. So if you believe that you can make a scary face at this heavy giant and quickly make a dash for it you have another thing coming. The Rhinoceros is also an endangered species at is is constantly poached for its horns which many believe has healing properties and is aphrodisiac. The rhino has a life span of 40-50 years and gestates for approximately 18 months.
4. Bucking Buffalo
The Buffalo is an enormous animal and weighs in over 2 tonnes. No matter how much of a tough guy you think you are, if you go head to head with this beast you are bound to have a splitting headache, literally! the buffalo is found in large herds across Africa but the buffalo is more prominent in South Africa where it grazes on vast lands. The buffalo is mainly hunted by man and lion. The buffalo is a very moody character and as such its behavior is quite unpredictable. One minute you could be there observing it and it pays you no attention, the next click you take on the camera is a charging buffalo coming straight at you. There are numerous buffalo attacks on humans every year and the buffalo is thought to be one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Buffaloes are herbivores and has a lifespan of 20-22 years. They can charge at you at around 35 km/h. This is one beast you definitely don't want hot behind your heals!
5. Menacing Moose
The Moose is the last heavy hitter on this list. A mature male moose can weigh over 1000 lbs. Don't be fooled by this sweet looking grass eating giant. Moose are quite temperamental and have known to charge and attack humans even when in-provoked. As a matter of fact, moose are responsible for more attacks on humans than even bears in Alaska. They pack some menacing dendritic horns that will definitely do severe damage if you are caught in its path. Moose become quite miserable when they are seeking food and are unable to find any. In Alaska, moose always go sieving through human garbage and many times find nothing to eat. When the humans come out to investigate, the grumpy moose simply lashes out and charges the human. When they do, you better get locked in or find stable high ground. The moose can live up to 25 years and has a gestation period of 243 days.
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