When people hear the word rodent they begin to automatically think about rats. But there are many other unique type of rodents and the beaver is one of them. The beaver is a large, primarily nocturnal, semi-aquatic rodent. The two species of beaver which exist today are the Eurasian Beaver and The North American beaver. Beavers are the second largest rodent in the world with the first being the Capybara. American Beavers can reach mass of 11-32 kg. While their Eurasians counterpart may reach mass of 11-30 kg. Beavers live in water mostly and are quite known for their construction skills as they build canals, dams and lodges.
Where do Beavers Live?
Beavers love water, they spend most of their time in water and can hold their breath under water for at least 15 minutes. You will find beavers dwelling around bodies of water such as lakes, swamps, ponds, marshes and rivers. North American beavers are found in Canada and America, while Eurasian beavers are found in Asia and Europe.
What Do Beavers Eat?
Unlike it's cousin the rat. Beavers have a very healthy diet of vegetation. Beavers do not eat meat, that includes fish also. Beavers diet may consist of fruits, vegetables and plants such as stems, buds, maple, mushrooms, woody shrubs, ferns leaves and some tree roots.
Beavers and Gestation.
Gestation is basically how long a baby beaver stays in the mother before being ready to born. The gestation period for a beaver is 107 days. Male beavers play their role in ensuring that the litter is OK as they take up temporary residence in a bank den while the little beavers are born. The birth process can last several days. The litter is 3 to 5 at birth.
What hunts beavers?
Beavers maybe the second largest rodent, but they are small animals compared to many predators and will make a taste meal for large cats such as lynx, mountain lions, large birds of prey like hawks, owl and Eagles, wolves and otters. Just about any aggressive or large carnivorous prey will kill and eat the beaver. The beavers best defense is to hide in the damns they have built in the water.
Why Beavers Build Dams?
How Tough Are Beavers Teeth?
Talk about never have a need to visit the dentist if you had teeth as strong as a beaver's. Beavers chew through trees, shrubs and branches and then drag those to their dams and lodges. They chew fast and are able to fell an 8-foot tree in only five minutes. Beavers don’t have the most beautiful teeth. In fact, they have dark orange teeth, because their teeth have a different chemical makeup than human teeth. Beaver teeth have thick enamel on the front side that contain iron, keeping the teeth firm and strong.