| There are millions of pet owners across the Globe and over 90% of these pet owners have a cat or dog. The remaining 10% is taken by fish, bird, amphibians and even skunks! yes skunks. What is the stigma behind this little fellow that many humans and animals actually shy away from? Who knows why this little critter is even feared by many predators ten times its size? Well i don't know who really knows the answer to these questions, but i definitely know what knows, the nose knows. The Terror In That Cute Black and White Why many are scared of this lone ranger is because of the disgusting smell which the skunk secretes when it is frightened or feel threatened. It will spray a noxious smelling musk at their attacker. If you have ever smelled a decomposing carcass, times that by at least 50 and you will begin to identify the stink toxicity of my little friend. While the musk is composed of several chemicals that produce nose burying smells, the primary one is trans-2-butene-1-thiol. Not only does that chemical smells like the devils clogged up toilet, if the musk gets into the eyes, it will cause a temporary stinging sensation. The extreme nausea it induces is only matched by the difficulty in removing it. Once you are near water, you should wash out your eyes immediately. One of the worst part is that if you went to Walmart and just bought your favorite sponge bob shirt and you got sprayed by that skunk, you may as well throw away that shirt as the skunk's stink seems like an everlasting attachment. |
I can not exaggerate the stink power of the skunk, and if you are living near or skunk is visiting your home it nights, its best to deter it or trap it and call animal wild life so they can come get the creature. If you do engage in an argument with the skunk and he feels his life is threatened and sprays you, you would wish a million times for skunk smell removal recipe or wish you had a skunk spray removal. This is one of the easiest way to get rid of skunk smells, but in case you have none you can make your own skunk smell remover.
Skunk Smell Removal recipe
You will be surprised at how much money people have spent on skunk spray removal sprays when it is quite easy to make their own, all you need are simple house hold items you may already have. In case you don't you can simple run to the corner store or just sit and order these items on the internet. So what is this secret formula that you can make from home that will kill skunk smells; well lets get right into it then and cut the blabbering!
- 1 quart hydrogen peroxide (Food Grade)
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1 tsp. dish detergent
- 1 Gallons of water
Simple mix the ingredients together and use sponge to apply to man, or animal. There you have it. The best skunk smell remover recipe.
What Does the Skunk Musk Smell Like?
You really want to know that? OK well just get sprayed and you will know. The smell is actually quite in-describable somewhat, just know that it stinks and stinks really bad. It is like a mix of a thousand burned tires and thrown in a few vomits and carcasses.
One of the best ways to avoid being sprayed by a skunk is to not trespass on their habitat. Many people who do that end up on this site making the skunk smell remover recipe! According to Wikipedia; "Striped skunks are native to North America, and can be found in Northern Mexico, throughout the United States, and as far north as Central Canada. Other species of skunks, such as the spotted skunk and the hog-nosed skunk, can be found further south, ranging from Canada to Central and South America." You will find these animals digging small burrows and will also take up habitat in fallen hollow trees or just about any where in the forest where they can be hidden.
How To get Rid Of Skunk(s)
If by some reason a skunk wonders into your home, you must remain calm and try not to startle or scare it. Never backup a skunk in a corner! If you do smelly things will happen. Don't try to catch the skunk with your hands as skunk are know carriers of rabbis. If you or your pet should get bitten by a skunk, get medical attention immediately. If the skunk is in the yard and digs hole around the yard, you can do two things to get rid of them:
Set up a skunk Trap
Simple acquire a large racoon size mesh cage and bait it with any type of foods as skunks are not picky eaters. Place this outside before nightfall and hope the skunks takes the bait. The cage will catch the animal without harm and then you can bring the animal to a wild life center or place the animal at least 10 miles in its natural habitat.
Skunk Repellant
There are many skunk repellants on the market that claim to get rid of skunks overnight. These repellants are a mixture of predator urine, ammonia, moth balls and other chemicals that may be considered of unpleasant smell to the skunk. Many people have however complained about the ineffectiveness of some skunk repellant as many just don't work.