Largest Eyes Animals
Eye Size=5cm. The Ostrich eyes measures 5 centimeters in diameter from front to back. Compared to the human eye, the ostrich eye is five times bigger. It is also the largest of all land animals. They have long eyelashes to prevent sand entering and when they close their eyes the lower lid moves upwards.
Eye Size=9cm. The ocean has all the big eye beast swimming around peering into our soul. The swordfish as a eye size of 9cm which allows that fast swimmer to appreciate the view under the ocean even better.
Eye Size=15cm. Talk about have large eyes and the blue whale makes this top 5 list with animals with the largest eyes easily. The Blue whale eye size is a whopping 15cm. This maybe small compared to the fact that the blue whale is the largest animal on earth.
Eye Size = 27cm. Apparently squids have a thing for having large eyes. The Colossal squid has an eye size of a whopping 27cm. Colossal squid live in Antarctic waters, but may come as far north as the southern waters of New Zealand. They live at depths of 1000 metres or more.
Eye Size=40cm. The Giant Squid is the number one animal with the biggest eyes on earth. Their eye size is a shocking 40cm. That is a whole lot of eyeball there my friend. Giant squid are wide-ranging usually found near continental and island slopes from the North Atlantic Ocean, especially Newfoundland, Norway, northern British Isles and the oceanic islands of the Azores and Madeira to the South Atlantic in southern African waters; the North Pacific around Japan.