Who can deny how cool dogs are. They are man's best friend and lifelong companion. They can be trained to do various tricks. They protect us and guide us. They run jump and can catch Frisbee. They wag their tales when they see us and get all excited. There is just too much cool things about dogs to mention here.
2. Opossum
If you believe actors are cool, then the acting opossum is even cooler. Whenever opossums are faced with danger they cannot simply run from. They will play dead and simply lay still until the threat has lost interest in eating it. Then as soon as the predator is gone, the possum will spring to life and get away.
3. Dolphins
Dolphins are by far the coolest animal which dwells in the sea. They are quite intelligent and friendly towards humans. Dolphins have known to help people catch fish by schooling all the fish in the fishermen net. Then when all the fish have been gathered, the fishermen give the dolphins their share and both parties are happy. Now, what can be cooler that mutual understanding between two different species.
4. Leeches
Some people may find these wormy bloodsuckers quite disgusting and would do almost anything to avoid being in contact with one. Did you know that surgeons love leeches? Leeches are used in plastic surgery and other microsurgery. This is because leeches secrete peptides and proteins that work to prevent blood clots. Yes, leeches are that cool!
5. Jesus Christ Lizard
It was written that Jesus performed many miracles while he was on earth. He turned water into wine, he raised the dead and he walked on water. But there is this lizard which may have brushed heads with Christ who probably told him the trick of how to cross water with it's bare feet without falling in. Meet the Jesus Christ lizard, also known as the basilisks. This lizard is able to run bipedally over the water surface by means of fringes on the edges of its long toes.
6. Beavers
Talk about an animal that is probably ta better architect than many humans. Beavers are both land and water dwelling animals. These little herbivores are great dam builders. If they however dwell In lakes, rivers and large streams with deep enough water, beavers may not build dams and instead live in bank burrows and lodges. If the water is not deep enough to keep beavers safe from predators and their lodge entrances ice-free, beavers build dams. It uses its teeth to cut wood and sticks and piles them up in heaps to block out predators.
7. Cats
I don't think that there is another animal as cool as a cat. Cats just have that cool look upon their faces which says, "Hey, look at me. I am cool" But other than a great looking face, cats are cool for several reasons. They are depicted in Egyptian carvings and paintings which tells us that these alien race knew cats have some special purpose on earth for them to be painted there. Cats are used for magic and witchcraft by many. It is also said that cats walk in both realms. The realm of the dead and the real of the living. They say when cats fall they land on all four. Cats purr is also believed to have soothing and healing capabilities. Many cat owners tend to live longer and enjoy a comfortable life simply by owning a cat.
These colorful and enjoyable insects are amazing. Butterflies are cool because they morph. They start out as a total different species and end up as another. Butterflies start out their lives as various species of caterpillars. Then they go through metamorphosis where they go from caterpillar, larva, pupa to adult butterfly. All this is hidden from the human eye as the caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon until all transformations are completed.
9. Planaria
There are many animals which can regrow parts of their bodies such as limbs. But what makes the Planaria unique is that you can slice it and dice it and it is capable of growing back its own self. If you cut off the head of a Planaria, it simply regenerates another one and moves right along as if it just had a flat tyre and replaced it with a spare. Any animal which can regrow it's own head has got to be cool in my books.
10. Bees
This insect is on my list of most coolest simply because it feeds humans. Aside from bees buzzing around and giving a few stings here and there. Bees are honey makers. A commodity which has found favor on the dinner tables of households across the world. Honey produced by bees are used as ingredients in various consumables such as cereals and pastry. Honey is also used to help get rid of sore throat, colds and flu. Honey is what one would call a super food which is produced by the very cool bee. Bears have also taken a liking to honey and many have risked getting stung hundreds of time because they simply cannot resist the swwt honeycomb.