Normally, when someone goes out to acquire a pet they seldom come home with a pig. If they do come home with anything pig related it may be chops, leg or bacon. But just like dogs, cats, birds and ponies, pigs can be just a good a pet as any, probably even better. The bad thing a pig has going for it is that it is seen as livestock and and not something to cuddle hug and play fetch with. But there are many people who knows that the pig is much more than chops. Here are some things you may not know about the pig and why it would make a wonderful pet.
Research Findings
It is not a guess and spell game when it comes on to weighing the intelligence of animals. Many basic test are administered to derive a level of intelligence based upon how the animal reacts to certain situations. Scientist have ran these test and have found that pigs are:
Pigs Cooperate With Each Other
Live In Self Made Communities
Have Good Long Term Memories
Enjoys Playing
Shows Feelings
Plays Video Games
Very Trainable
It is not a guess and spell game when it comes on to weighing the intelligence of animals. Many basic test are administered to derive a level of intelligence based upon how the animal reacts to certain situations. Scientist have ran these test and have found that pigs are:
Pigs Cooperate With Each Other
- Any animal that is capable of cooperation with it's peers to achieve certain goals must have some decent level of intelligence higher than the average animal, as cooperation entails the party coming together to meet the same objective(s)
Live In Self Made Communities
- Pigs live in complex social communities where they keep track of each other and learn from each other.
Have Good Long Term Memories
- Don't believe that if you did wrong to that piglet 3 years ago and now return to the farm when it is grown and believes it has forgotten about you. You may getting a lot of squeals from that pig. Pigs have good memory and excellent at solving test which require the location of objects or finding exits in mazes.
Enjoys Playing
- One good trait in a pet is that it can enjoy itself and enjoy the company of those around him/her
Shows Feelings
- What a great trait to have when it comes on to a pet. Pigs exhibit empathy when viewing the same type of emotion in another animal or person.
Plays Video Games
- OK, tell me if your dog does this? Did you know pigs can manipulate a joystick on a courser screen? The only other animal to do so is the smart chimpanzee.
Very Trainable
- Pigs understand symbolic languages such as sit, stay, jump, rollover, just like a dog would. They are able to combine these symbolic languages an hence capable of learning complex commands, such as; jump through the hoop and roll over.
Petting Your Pig
So now that you know how great a pig is, you need to know how to care for them when you acquire one as a pet. Here are some brief pig facts to get you started:
Pigs Diet
Ensure that your pet pig has enough fiber in his diet. A suggested serving ratio of 2/3 vegetables to 1/3 fruit is recommended. You can feed your pig vegetables such as cucumber, celery, lettuce, bell pepper, cabbage spinach and broccoli. If you have sweet potatoes, the pig will love you for it. But do not over feed your pig and do not feed your pig farm hog feed as many of these feeds are designed to allow the pig to gain weight fast. It is also ok to have the animal in the backyard to do a little grazing to have a little roughage in his diet. One thing for sure, pigs are not that picky and many things will be delicacy to your pig. Things such as the skins of ripe banana. You will find that the pigs stomach is much more tolerable than most animals.
Pigs Health
Pigs do not often get ill, but they do get ill also. There are many ailments which your pig may suffer from. If ever you notice anything different about your pigs emotion, movement, eye or skin color. You should take the animal to see the nearest pig vet so they can diagnose the problem soon.
Pig Toys
Pigs love to play with ball and many other movable toys. One thing you shouldn't do is to get small breakable toys for your pig as this may cause the pig to try and chew on these small items and swallow and may cause serious injuries.
Pigs Sleep
Pigs will enjoy a nice doggy bed too, something it can lie down on and just be a pig.
One you acquire your first pig pet you will see why pigs are more than just bacon. They are wonderful animals with high levels of intelligence which makes a good pet as any other. Hoink! Hoink!
Pigs Diet
Ensure that your pet pig has enough fiber in his diet. A suggested serving ratio of 2/3 vegetables to 1/3 fruit is recommended. You can feed your pig vegetables such as cucumber, celery, lettuce, bell pepper, cabbage spinach and broccoli. If you have sweet potatoes, the pig will love you for it. But do not over feed your pig and do not feed your pig farm hog feed as many of these feeds are designed to allow the pig to gain weight fast. It is also ok to have the animal in the backyard to do a little grazing to have a little roughage in his diet. One thing for sure, pigs are not that picky and many things will be delicacy to your pig. Things such as the skins of ripe banana. You will find that the pigs stomach is much more tolerable than most animals.
Pigs Health
Pigs do not often get ill, but they do get ill also. There are many ailments which your pig may suffer from. If ever you notice anything different about your pigs emotion, movement, eye or skin color. You should take the animal to see the nearest pig vet so they can diagnose the problem soon.
Pig Toys
Pigs love to play with ball and many other movable toys. One thing you shouldn't do is to get small breakable toys for your pig as this may cause the pig to try and chew on these small items and swallow and may cause serious injuries.
Pigs Sleep
Pigs will enjoy a nice doggy bed too, something it can lie down on and just be a pig.
One you acquire your first pig pet you will see why pigs are more than just bacon. They are wonderful animals with high levels of intelligence which makes a good pet as any other. Hoink! Hoink!