The Siamese cat is an oriental beauty. This cat is native to Thailand and has become quite popular among European and American cat owners. The Siamese cat has a distinctive look and body structure than many cats which helps it to stand out.
How Did The Siamese Cat Get It's Name
Well, i can tell you what i have researched and read, but when i spoke to my Siamese buddy he told me that one day some tune was being distributed by a kind lady who always fed a special cat. The cat name was Ese. The other cats noticed all the food the fond cat was getting and decided to join in on the party. But when the lady came out she saw over 100 cats waiting to be fed tuna. She shouted out "Ese, where are you?" All the cats decided that day to be Ese because they and Ese looked the same, so they all shouted out I AM, they could not pronounce the I AM right and it came off sounding like SIAM. The lady got confused and simply went and bought more tuna. Then everyday she would open the door and all the cats would run to her shouting SIAM. then an old man passed one day and saw the peculiar looking cats and ask the lady, "what type of cats are those?" She shudder her shoulder and said " Siamese i guess" And from that point, they were called Siamese cats! OK, that was the story my cat told me. And i believe him. But here is what the books say.
The cat originally came from Thailand. Thailand was originally known as Siam back in the good ole' days. So the cats were naturally called Siamese. Changing the cats name to Thailese would have probably sucked. So Siamese it is. I find the cat's version much better, don't you?
How The Siamese Cat Looks
The Siamese cat has much larger ears than most cats and sparkling blue eyes. It has an athletic slim figure and has a granite coat with tapered lines. The coat color is standard in Siamese cats,, they range from chocolate, seal, blue. There heads, part of their tail and part of their feet take on a darker color.
The Siamese cat is a wonderful cat to have as a pet as it loves social interaction. It adores it's human companion and may be a bit clingy. The Siamese cat is very vocal as it sits with its owner to enjoy a nice cup of warm milk. Overall, the Siamese cat makes a great house pet.
Siamese cats are good looking and rely much more on humans than most cats. Siamese cats lack several traits that comes with most cats.
- They cannot see clearly in low lit or dark areas like most cats
- They have less sensitive hearing than other cats
If you want to come home and still find the stuffing in your teddy or sofa, it is a wise choice to provide some toys for your Siamese pal. Siamese will enjoy movable toys such as ball, mouse, other toy cat. Ensure also that you get the Siamese a scratch mat or post so it wont use your sofa or dinner table to exercise its claws. While you are at home, you can join in the fun too, with hoops for you cat to jump through and many other exciting cat games.
Talk about having a healthy appetite and you are talking Siamese. Siamese cats eat a lot and possess a great metabolism. They will eat large portions of food, yet will not get fat. One thing which is observed by the Siamese Cat is that, even though they eat large portions of food, they will not over eat. When the cat deems itself full, it will simply leave the remainder in it's plate. When a cat leaves food in it's plate, it could mean three things;
- The cat hates the food
- It has eaten it's full and you must lessen the amount you give your cat
- It may be feeling under the weather
Your Siamese cat will grow faster than many others in the cat family. They will begin to mature as early as 5 month. If you don't want your female Siamese cat to get pregnant, spaying is recommended earlier in this breed of cat.
If you are seeking a lifelong companion, the Siamese cat life span can reach up to twenty years. Even though there are owners who claimed that they have had their Siamese for 25 years. They are are more prone to gum and teeth diseases such as gingivitis and tartar. What you need to do as a Siamese cat owner or if you are thinking of owning one is to keep tabs on the healthiness of your Siamese mouth and ensure that it gets it regular vet checkups.
As a cat owner who have had the pleasure of owning and taking care of several cats. I would recommend a Siamese cat to any cat lover who has the time to spend with this social animal.