Did you know that you can hurt your pet by the way you lift the animal. People tend to lift growing pups some very odd ways, these ways could be seen as just cruel. One of those horrible ways is the grabbing and lifting of the animal by the scruff of the neck. What you are doing is pulling on the animals skin when you lift it, this sometimes create a pinching effect and many times you hear the animal cry out when lifted this way, it is because you are really hurting the animal. There are people who have even lifted their puppy by the ears and hind legs. These type of handling is unaccepted and if you really care for your puppy, you would seek a better way of handling the animal.
Lifting the animal by one of its limbs is also not a very good choice of handling your pet. You are putting a strain on the animals ligaments. It is just like someone tieing your hands to one end of a pickup truck and your feet to another. Then both drivers begin to move in opposite directions, this is a painful feeling and if you do this type of lifting, desist from lifting the animal this way.
Proper Way To Lift Your Pet
It is quite simple, when you are lifting your puppy, place both hands under the puppies arms and lift the animal, you can lift this way from the front or back. You can also slide one hand from the rear or front of the animal, under the animals belly and lift the animal also. But when lifting this way, use the other hand to secure and balance the lift.
Why do some people think it is cute to do weird things to their puppies such as light firecrackers between their paws or play catch with the animal. There is nothing cute or fun about doing those abusive things. Your puppy shouldn't be used as the ball to play catch or any other physical activity. You can have wonderful fun with your puppy without physically putting the animal in danger. Puppies love to play and will find fun in the simplest things. Puppies love to explore and run after any movable objects. You can use balls, remote toy cars or even tie a piece of string on a stick and drag it and your puppy will run after that piece of stick and you both will have fun. So let me put out the general DONT's of playing with your your pup one more time:
- Don't throw the animal
- Don't tie up the animal and use as bait
- Don't light fire crackers in the puppies paws
- Don't paint your puppy with any form of paint
- Don't play kick your puppy
- Don't catapult your puppy
Puppies are small and should be properly retrained whenever being transported. You can place your puppy in a cage and properly secure that cage with the cars seat belt. One other option is to acquire puppy seat belt harness and secure the animal during transportation. You must never allow your puppy to roam free in a moving vehicle. This can lead to accidents because of you taking your eye off the road to constantly see what the animal is doing when it is jumping from seat to seat. The puppy could also find itself lodged right under your break pedal. That my friend is a recipe for fatality.
Puppies are like small children, they are fragile beings, care and patience must be taken when handling these little cookies. Remember, proper puppy handling directly affects the type of Dog your puppy grows to be.