Ok, now that it is established that your dog is a walking tick mountain, you must put immediate measures in place to get rid of all the parasites on your dog. The ticks will latch on to and suck blood from just about anywhere possible on your dog. Tick will be in your dogs ear, behind the ear, under the dog collar, back, between the paws etc. So knowing all the little villages created on your dog by these tiny vampires, your next step is to visit a vet so he or she can recommend a solution to eradicate these pest off your pooch.
Some vets will recommend some chewable tick killing pills which can be placed in the dogs food. There are plenty of solutions available to kill tick off your dog and let them keep off for a specific period of time. There are injections available for this as well as medicated dog collars. But before you run and log on to your online purchasing store, always do a little bit of research about any side effects of chemicals used. After all, you want to heal your dog not make it the next sacrifice.
Remember that these treatments do not last forever and you will have to make another purchase to keep your dog tick free.
Ticks don't just beam on your dog from outer earth space. They have to crawl millions of miles looking for the last dog Jedi. Ok, maybe they don't need a Jedi, but they will sink their little fangs into the nearest dog they see. Ask your vet for a spray which will kill ticks and their eggs. Follow the direction given by the vet or on the label of the chemical. Follow these simple yet critical steps to have a successful tick eradication from your yard.
Find a Area to tie your dogs during spray.
- Spray that area first and leave it to settle for a few hours. get your dog and chain it to the area where you sprayed a couple hours before.
Spray the area where your dog frequents, rest and sleeps.
- Ensure that you spray the dog house, any shaded area that the dog always rest or sleeps. If the animal is an indoor dog, isolate the dog and then begin your tick hunting and cleaning. Always where gloves and face mask when using any type of chemical.
So after treating your dogs for ticks and fleas and eradicating your yard and home from the parasites, you must try your very best not to have another re-infestation. Dogs are nice and sometimes we tend to pet stray dogs also, but a lot of stray dogs are carriers of the parasites and once they find a way to mingle with your dog, they may transfer ticks to your pet. It could be a simple nose rub at the gate or a stray dog simply laying at your gate or find some way to enter your yard. Don't allow any kind of stray animal to mingle with your dog if you want it to remain tick free.
4. Keep your Dog Nice and Clean
Although tick care not if your dog is the best smelling pooch on the block, it is always good to ensure that your dog is clean and free from any other kind of diseases. Use a dog shampoo that is natural and helps to fight tick and fleas to bath your dog. Some dog shampoos are basically colognes with suds and does zero effect on reducing or killing ticks on your dog. Natural dog shampoos that help kill tick while not irritating your dogs skin should be considered.
Tick Life Cycle by CDC
Ticks can make your dog and even yourself ill. Ticks will spread diseases through biting. Some diseases spread by various species of tick include:
- Anaplasmosis.
- Babesiosis.
- Borrelia miyamotoi infection*
- Bourbon virus disease*
- Colorado tick fever.
- Ehrlichiosis.
- Heartland virus (HRTV) disease*
- Lyme disease*
All of which can be very serious if not treated promptly and correctly. This is why it is critical to ensure that not only do you treat your pet for the parasite, you must ensure that the entire yard is tick free.