- If you are a male and a dog owner, you probably know exactly what i am talking about. Walking a cute dog will give you more attention and phone numbers than your smart phone memory chip can hold. Women will just come over simply to compliment your dog. Especially if your pet is one of those cute guys that women love to take care of. Women love to see a guy take care of something other than himself.
Having A Dog Says A Lot About Your Emotions
- When a woman sees a guy walking and having a good time with his dog, to her it says a lot about him. She sees not just a walking prick, but she sees a man who is capable. She sees someone who is caring enough to love and take care of another species. And if he is willing to do all those wonderful things for his dog, he most certainly will love and take care of her just the same or better.
Your Dog Can Help Cool Arguments
- People who are in relationships sometimes get into heated arguments. Men and women will exchange harsh words towards each other, many times regretting it couple minutes later. When you have a dog at home and if a argument develops, some dogs tend to go between owners and try to seek attention. The dog is a smart animal and it knows by doing this the focus will shift from the arguments to you remembering how cute and sweet your dog is.
Your Dog Can Help Mend Your Relationship
- How many times have there been broken relationships? Well, there is just too many to count. But your dog is just a natural relationship mender. Couples many times come together to take care of their pet that they love, even if they are separated and living under the same roof. When they get together and say, bath the dog, groom the dog or treat the dog for any illnesses. It brings back a warm and loving feeling of working together. That feeling may just spawn into working out a solution and getting back together in love.
Your Dog Can Keep You Both Happy
- As you know, people who have pets tend to live longer and be a bit more on the happy side. Having a pet at home will keep the family entertained many times when boredom seems to be the order of the day. We play games with our dogs in the yard or in open area. We roll, we toss and we simply have fun. The dog strengthens the relationship by keeping the happy meter on a high number.