Before you can acquire a service dog, you must know what is a service dog right? Well a service dog is a good trained dog that is bred to assist an individual with special needs. Those special needs are not limited to the physically challenged. But goes on to security personnel as well. Service Dogs are trained to assist the following:
- Blind Personnel
- Deaf Personnel
- People with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Persons Prone To Seizures
- Persons who are crippled
Qualifications Of A Service Dog
- The Dog must exercise good temperament
- Good level of intelligence
- Physically Strong
- Good Resistance To Illnesses
- Healthy
- Trainable
Other Than Helping Those With Medical Conditions, What Else DO Service Dogs Do?
As i mentioned before, there are service dogs which are used in the police force to help fight crime. They are also used by trained personal security. Here is a list of other functions given to service dogs.
- Fire and Rescue - Popular breed is the Dalmatian
- Security and Crime - Popular breed is the German Shepherd
- Search And Rescue - Popular Breed is the Border Collie
- Seizure Detection - Popular Breed, Border Collie, German Shepherd
Where to get a service dog
Assistance Dog international ( is a great place to start as it relates to acquiring a service dog. You could also use the lists above and acquire a breed and then have it trained by certified Service Dog Trainers. Whatever means you use to get your service dog, as long as the animal is well trained for your particular needs, it will make a difference in your life.