Every animal have certain needs, some the same needs as us humans. Dogs especially pet ones will have a lot of needs and one of those need is the need to be healthy. Even before your dog gets to a stage which we may consider old, he or she should have begun taking supplements which will aid in prolong life and fitness. What many dog owners includes in their dog's diet are dog supplements. Dog supplements are generally extra vitamins added to you dog's food. The benefit of this extra vitamin is to boost your dog's immune system allowing your dog t better overcome or even avoid certain illnesses. It allows your dog to grow much more healthy and happy.
Types Of Dog Supplements
Well, if you are wondering where to acquire these dog supplements, your nearest pet store should accommodate the product. What your decision would be is to ascertain the type of supplement you will be giving to you dog.
You can get liquid supplements, powder supplements or soft chewables. With the
- Liquid Supplements
Many will have to be mixed in your dogs water. There are some liquid supplements like bottled fish oil which can be poured and mixed in your dogs food. - Powdered Supplements
- Soft Chew-ables
The good thing about dog supplements is that you can get them in various flavors your dog will just love, flavors such as beef or chicken flavor supplements. Many dogs you see which are used for show dogs are fed some of the best foods along with good supplements. The supplements help in firming and enrichment of your dogs bone structure and teeth. It boost healthy organs and many target the skin and fur of your pet to provide a rich shine and beautiful coat.
Other ways to Supplement the Dog Supplement
Correct Diet For Your dog
- What are you feeding your dog? Is the food A grade? Do you allow a mix of dry and wet foods? What is in the food that you give your dog? Is your dog being underfed or overfed? All these factors should be looked at even before applying supplements.
Is Your Dog Getting Exercise?
- If your answer is no, you better start working your mutt right away. Dogs love to be active and love to run, it helps their heart and arteries and keeps them fit. Ensure that your dogs gets to run or walk at least twice a week.
Ensure your dog is properly Vaccinated
- Many dog owners shun vaccination thinking it may not be important, but vaccination may be why John's dog is not struggling with the new dog flew and James's is. Vaccination is part of building the immune system in your dog. Consult your nearest vet
Why Supplement? Why Not Just Feed Your Dog?
Well, one thing for sure is that many of these top brand dog foods may not have the right amount of minerals and vitamins which is needed by your dog. Once your dog food is lacking in these health items, the next best solution is to add dog supplements. You will be glad that you as a pet owner have chosen to boost your dogs health and hence making your dog more happy by giving him this healthy start. You simply cannot disregard your pets wellness when he is part of your family. Now you are able to help him and treat him like your own. Supply him the right dog supplements; improve the quality of his life and he will continue to make you happy.