Signs The Dog Is Abused or Neglected
- Dog is not happy to be around his owner. Dog owners knows that dogs just love to have a good time and once they are happy, they will be happy when they are around you. This can be observed by tail wagging, barking, running around you or simply approach you for a quick rub down. If the dog cowers when called by the owner or when the owner approaches, that should push up your radar.
2. Observe how the dig behaves when the owner calls his name
- Does the animal cower? Lies down or walks towards the owner with its head down and maybe tail between its legs? Or does the animal run away from the owner when called. These could also be signs of animal abuse.
3. Observe how the actions of the animal when it's owner raises his/her hand.
- Animals that are always being beaten know the raising of the hand too well, it symbolizes hurt and pain and will run away the very instant the hand is raised.
All the above scenarios represent a very strong possibility if the animal is being abused by the owner. If you observe all three scenarios on one animal, it is best to call the animal protection agencies to verify your observations. Let's also look at the case of pet neglect, it is much easier to spot animals which are practically neglected because most times neglect will manifest into physical deterioration of the animal.
Look out for the signs below to determine if the Dog is neglected.
The Animal is all skin and bones
The Dog is riddled with ticks and fleas
The Dog Is Stink and Filthy
ASPCA - 1. Report Cruelty:
In New York City: 311 (or 911 for crimes in progress)
In NJ: (800) 582-5979 / online form
Outside NYC and NJ: Reporting Cruelty FAQ.
Animal Cops - Houston, TX 77024 - 713-869-SPCA (77