But leaving your dog chained in the sun is very serious and will directly affect your dog's health. Let's look at what long hours of sun will do to any dog that is left chained in it.
So you thought only humans are capable of getting a sun stroke? Think again. Sun stroke is caused from prolonged exposure to the sun rays without and break for shade or for humans, not wearing protected clothing. Dogs left chained for hours or even days will get sunstroke and it may lead damage to the brain or death.
The dog may experience causing anxiety, confusion, seizures, headache, dizziness, lightheaded, hallucinations, coordination problems, unconsciousness, and restlessness. Sunstroke can also affect the heart, kidneys, and muscles.
The dog's body can only mange a certain level of heat. Dogs do not perspire as humans do and perspiration is done through the feet at slower pace. The dog will pant to try keep itself cool but that would be like throwing an ice cube at the sun to try and out it.
2. Eye Damage
We know dogs don't often look up directly in the sun, but if you let your dog ties into the sun for hours, chances are that some amount of rays will begin to affect your dog’s eyes. The intense ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun damage sensitive cells in the eyes, eventually affecting vision. Experts say it is difficult to isolate the exact amount of damage that UV radiation imposes on the eye over a long period. These may include cataracts, a clouding of the lens of the eye.
Remember, the sun is not a bad thing. It is part of our Eco system and is needed to facilitate life. But too much of any good thing sometimes can be quite fatal. When leaving your dog for long hours, ensure that the animal is well kept; feed, shade, water. Never leave your dog chained in any form of weather; sun, rain or snow. If your love your pet, why not show it.